Assessment of ecological state of the Posyet Bay (the Sea of Japan) by heavy metals content in brown algae

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The paper contains the study of heavy metals in three species - Sargassum miyabei, Sargassum pallidum, Cystoseira crassipes in the coastal waters of the Posyet Bay. The analysis of the spatial distribution of trace elements revealed the highest contents of zinc, copper and nickel in the Troitsa Bight, due to recreational pressure and a high concentration of nickel and cadmium in Sivuchya Bight that was caused by transboundary atmospheric transport. All of detected concentrations exceed natural background values for the North-Western part of the Sea of Japan. The authors show that there has been a distinct change in the environmental situation in the the Posyet Bay since 1998: the concentration of lead has sharply decreased, the content of zinc, copper and cadmium has decreased, it could be connected with influence reduction in the free economic zone, located on the Chinese side on the Tumannaya River.

About the authors

Nadezhda Konstantinovna Khristoforova

Far Eastern Federal University; Pacific Institute of Geography of Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

doctor of biological sciences, professor, head of Marine Ecology UNESCO Department; leading researcher of Geochemistry Laboratory

Russian Federation

Anna Dmitrievna Kobzar

Far Eastern Federal University


senior lecturer of Ecology Department

Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Algae sampling stations in Posieta Bay. The stations are located in Posieta Bay: 1 - Sivuchya Bay, 2 - Ostrena Bay, 3 - Marble Bay, 4 - Nazimova Bay, 5 - Novgorod Bay, 6 - Kreiserok Bay, 7 - Kreiserok Bay, 7 - Posieta Bay. The main island of Novgorod, 6 - m. Kreiserok, 7 - m. Trinity, 8 - ba. 7 - b. Trinity, 8 - b. Vityaz

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