Laboratory diagnosis of trade animals’ trichinosis

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In this paper the author considers the possibility of using an automated method of diagnostics of the causative agent of trichinosis Trichinella spp. at wild trade animals. In the course of trichinosis monitoring in the Central region of Russia naturally infested carcasses of animals were selected. The infected animals were stored at a low (-5°C) temperature in the climatic camera before carrying out researches. With the help of AVT devices diagnostic tests on trichinosis of different types of trade animals’ muscular tissue samples (diaphragm, masseter, extremities muscles, tongue) were conducted. During the research refrigerated and later cooled muscles samples were used. Samples weighing 50±0,5 g. were used for the research. To get qualitative mincemeat fat and connective tissue were removed from muscular tissue. Pepsin produced by «Shako» (Rostov region) was used for an artificial peptoliz. Diagnostic samples of boars, foxes, martens increased the weighing mass to 40 minutes, of wolves to 50 minutes and of raccoon dogs to 60 minutes. Further tissue was fermented and weighing mass of the researched samples was decreased. The optimal period of time was found for trichinellascopy test of wild animals’ muscular tissue by the automated method on AVT devices.

About the authors

Oleg Nikolayevich Andreyanov

All-Russian Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of animals and plants named after K.I. Scriabin

Author for correspondence.

doctor of veterinary sciences, senior researcher of Parasitic Zoonosis Laboratory

Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Dynamics of minced meat weight change (diaphragm legs, diaphragm) and intensity of release of capsule-forming trichinella larvae from muscle tissue of naturally infested boar carcass. Intensity of infestation (II) = 12 larvae/g diaphragm

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3. Figure 2 - Dynamics of minced meat weight change (diaphragm, forelimb and hindlimb muscles) and intensity of excretion of capsule-forming trichinella larvae from muscle tissue of naturally infected wolf carcasses. AI = 19 and 27 larvae/g diaphragm (results of two experiments)

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4. Figure 3 - Dynamics of minced meat weight change (diaphragm, forelimb and hindlimb muscles) and intensity of excretion of capsule-forming trichinella larvae from muscle tissue of naturally infected carcasses of common foxes. AI = 20, 24, 26, 21 larvae/g diaphragm (results of 4 experiments)

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5. Figure 4 - Dynamics of minced meat weight change (diaphragm, forelimb and hindlimb muscles) and intensity of excretion of capsule-forming trichinella larvae from muscle tissue of naturally infected raccoon dogs carcasses. II = 54, 63 larvae/g diaphragm (results of 2 experiments)

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6. Figure 5 - Dynamics of mince weight changes (diaphragm, tongue, neck muscles, forelimbs and hindlimbs) and intensity of excretion of capsule-forming trichinella larvae from muscle tissue of naturally infected marten carcasses. II = 52, 63, 49 larvae/g diaphragm (results of 3 experiments)

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7. Figure 6 - Dynamics of mince weight changes (head, neck, intercostal, forelimb, and hindlimb muscles) and intensity of T. spiralis trichinella larvae release (laboratory isolate) from muscle tissue of laboratory rat carcass (II = 138 larvae/g diaphragm)

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