Features study of physical education adaptive program «From sickness to health» within the health motive of students with the impaired health status

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Each student with the weakened state of health collides in a daily life with a problem of preservation and strengthening of the health. The period of training in high school is connected with increase in an academic load, downturn of impellent activity, overlapping of educational activity and part time job, etc. In this paper there are results of an ascertaining and a two-year forming experiment within the Adaptive Program «From sickness to health» (The discipline is Physical Education). The aim is to change the internal picture of students with the impaired health status. The internal picture of health is a set of cognitive knowledge, perceptions, and descriptions of human health of the person and also complex emotional experiences, sensations and behavioral reactions. Study results of the internal picture of health give students with the impaired health status an opportunity of all-round vision of health through a prism of cognitive, emotional, corporal and behavioral aspects, as well as they promote personal student’s health strengthening activity (a health motive).

About the authors

Anna Georgievna Tcherkashina

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: cherka-anna@yandex.ru

candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of Physical Education Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Motivation of first-year students of a special medical group

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3. Picture 2 - Motivation of the second year students of the special medical group

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Copyright (c) 2018 Tcherkashina A.G.

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