Theoretical justification of pedagogical situations cognitive modeling

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The following paper deals with the application of methodology of pedagogical situations cognitive modeling, which is considered by the authors as a process consisting of six consecutive and interconnected stages. The first stage is a formulation of the purpose and the corresponding tasks. The second stage provides collecting, systematization and analysis of a pedagogical situation with the subsequent allocation of the major factors influencing development of the situation and determination of interrelation between them, i.e. creation of a cognitive map. At the third stage a focused count is created as a result of accounting of the cause and effect chains reflecting the system of interaction between the educational process subjects and allowing to form a pedagogical theory on the basis of basic person study categories: consciousness, thinking, knowledge, understanding, etc. The fourth stage assumes combination of the cognitive map and the focused count in a uniform cognitive model of the studied pedagogical situation. The fifth stage is focused on a real pedagogical situation cognitive model adequacy check i.e. on its verification. The last sixth stage allows to define possible options of a pedagogical situation development by a cognitive model, to find ways and mechanisms of a situation impact.

About the authors

Alsu Raufovna Kamaleeva

Institute of Pedagogics, Psychology and Social Problems


doctor of pedagogical sciences, leading researcher

Russian Federation, Kazan

Svetlana Yurevna Gruzkova

Institute of Pedagogics, Psychology and Social Problems

Author for correspondence.

candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher

Russian Federation, Kazan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Scheme of constructing a cognitive model of a pedagogical situation

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