Methodological basis and the problem of a future teacher morality development

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The article analyzes the importance of a future teacher‘s morality development. The author finds it is necessary to show that the idea of «selecting the strongest, best, thoroughbred, domination of some people over others» generates a crooked memory, and the idea of «brotherhood of people, the dignity and value of each person» generates a moral memory. Moreover the author gives a methodological basis for morality development and believes that it is necessary to distinguish two interrelated and self-independent sides (consciousness side and behavioral side). As well he reveals the role of moral knowledge in the education of virtues. The article analyses both the ideas of Socrates about the connection between knowledge and virtue and Aristotle's ideas about the impossibility of equating virtue with knowledge. It shows that ethnical knowledge is the key factor to virtue development. It reveals that it is a good life if we use the golden rule of morality. Moreover it shows that the process of golden rule of morality is important to students’ virtue development. The article gives the role of functions of morality. It proves that the attitude is the connecting mechanism between the moral consciousness and the moral behavior. The author finds it is important to find the new methods to teach morality. As well they aim to help to see the interconnections between morality sides. Moreover these methods will help to provide both relative self-reliance and the sides’ connections concerning the consciousness and morality behavior side.

About the authors

Anna Vladimirovna Guschina

Murmansk Arctic State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, vice rector for academic and educational work

Russian Federation, Murmansk


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