Theoretical foundations of preschoolers’ social orientation readiness structure

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This paper presents a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature devoted to the problem of preschoolers’ readiness for social orientation. The author examines the key concepts of the study: «socialization», «social orientation», «readiness», «readiness for social and domestic orientation» and «readiness for social and domestic orientation with regard to preschoolers». The paper characterizes preschool age as a sensitive period of social and household orientation readiness development. The paper describes main neoplasms of age, social situation of development, as well as specificity of the leading activity. The author considers the concept of «readiness structure». The paper also presents main structural components of readiness for social orientation in relation to preschool age: personal, cognitive and activity. The paper reveals the components of readiness for social orientation of preschoolers and characterizes the essence of each component. The personal component of readiness for social and domestic orientation of preschoolers includes: value orientation, motivation, emotional well-being, qualities that characterize the properties of the individual. Cognitive component of readiness for social orientation of preschoolers is represented by primary ideas about the natural and social world, primary mathematical concepts, primary socio-cultural ideas and primary ideas about social and domestic activities. The activity component of readiness for social and household orientation of preschoolers is characterized by general intellectual, general labor, social and household, communicative skills.

About the authors

Elena Vasilievna Barcaeva

Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev

Author for correspondence.

senior lecturer of Special Pedagogics and Defectology Medical Basics Department

Russian Federation, Saransk


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