New approaches to models of gender roles of the Late Bronze Age of the Southern Urals: Kazburun Archeological Microdistrict (on the example of the results of a bioarcheological analysis)

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Complex archaeological studies carried out on the monuments of the developed classical Late Bronze Age in the territory of the Southern Urals, Kazburun archeological microdistrict allowed to apply the method of osteobiography to the reconstruction of gender features of the funeral rite. The received radiocarbon dates allowed not only to overstate the history of the inhabitants of the Srubnaya and Alakul cultural tastes for a period of 350–400 years in this territory, but also to show the finding of all those buried in the same chronological horizon. At the same time, a comparative radiocarbon analysis of the materials of funerary and settlement complexes also showed their simultaneity. DNA data made it possible to distinguish the specificity of the funeral rite. A strong degree of crookedness as a gender characteristic of the buried Scorpion is suggested to be investigated both in the «traditional» description (crookedness in the hip joint and crookedness in the knee joint, and use the parameter of scorpionctomy in the elbow joint of the buried). Anthropological analyzes characterized a number of paleoblocks as a gender attribute for the homogeneous paleodiet of the ancient population of the Kazburun archaeological microdistrict. Soil research methods have made it possible to determine the nature of the interaction of the ancient population and the modern paleo-environment, thus revealing the level of ancient anthropogenic impact on the environment, to identify probable traditions in the construction of the ancient population.

About the authors

Nikolai Borisovich Shcherbakov

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla


candidate of historical sciences, researcher of Methodology and Methods of Humanitarian Studies Laboratory

Russian Federation, Ufa

Iia Alexandrovna Shuteleva

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla


candidate of historical sciences, researcher of Methodology and Methods of Humanitarian Studies Laboratory

Russian Federation, Ufa

Tatiana Alekseevna Leonova

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla


candidate of historical sciences, head of Methodology and Methods of Humanitarian Studies Laboratory

Russian Federation, Ufa

Konstantin Alexandrovich Gorshkov

Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination


forensic expert of Medical-Forensic Department

Russian Federation, Ufa

Alexandra Amurievna Golyeva

Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences


doctor of geographical sciences, leading researcher of Geography and Evolution of Soils Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Alexandra Nikolaevna Baturina

Bashkir State University

Author for correspondence.

student of History and Public Administration Institute

Russian Federation, Ufa


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Dualism of approaches to human bone remains

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Copyright (c) 2018 Shcherbakov N.B., Shuteleva I.A., Leonova T.A., Gorshkov K.A., Golyeva A.A., Baturina A.N.

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