Cultural attribution of the dwelling-workshop on the basis of the Taldysay settlement ceramics analysis

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The following paper considers important characteristics of classical ceramic collection from the dwelling-workshop situated in the metallurgical settlement Taldysay. The workshop had one period of settlement and belongs to the Petrov archeological culture (the type of the monument is Nurtai for Central Kazakhstan). In previous years of the research, we made attempts to determine the cultural affiliation of the thermal engineering structures on the basis of ceramic material that constitutes ground and mine types in dwelling and production complexes that functioned in different chronological periods and contained various cultural materials. Due to the fact that the collection is quite limited, the present publication consists of the preliminary analysis of the artifacts and includes systematization of the accumulated ceramic materials from the settlement. From 100 fragments, only 41 specimens were selected for the further analysis, and 35 of which were found directly in the heat engineering facilities and near them. Importantly, even now we can conclude that the ceramic material proves that the thermal engineering structures of ground and mines types in a single-layer dwelling-workshop belong to the monuments of Petrov archeological culture of Nurtai type. Finally, the considered collection determines the start of the metal production on the territory of Central Kazakhstan by the first half of the second millennium BC.

About the authors

Antonina Sergeevna Yermolayeva

A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology


leading researcher of Prehistoric Archeology Department

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Zhanargul Serikovna Kaliyeva

A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology


researcher of Prehistoric Archeology Department

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Ekaterina Viktorovna Dubyagina

A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology

Author for correspondence.

junior researcher of Prehistoric Archeology Department

Kazakhstan, Almaty


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Settlement Taldysay. Excavation 1, workshop dwelling. Copper: square Z18

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3. Figure 2 - Settlement Taldysay. Excavation 1, workshop dwelling. Ceramics. Squares: З18 - 1, 7-9, 11, 13; K16 - 3, 4, 12, 14-16; K17 - 5; K18 - 2, 6; M16 - 10

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4. Figure 3 - Settlement Taldysay. Excavation 1, workshop dwelling. Ceramics. Squares: K16, K17, K18 (pit-furnace with a chimney) - 2–8, 10, 11; L8 - 9; Z18 (pit-furnace of shaft type) - 13

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5. Figure 4 - Settlement Taldysay. Excavation 1, workshop dwelling. Ceramics. Squares K16, K17, K18 (pit-furnace with a chimney) 1–3; З18 (pit-furnace shaft) - 4-6

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6. Figure 5 - Settlement Taldysay. Excavation 1, workshop dwelling. Ceramics. Squares; K14-L14 (wall) - 4; K15 - 6; M17 - 1, 2, 5; H17 - 3

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Copyright (c) 2018 Yermolayeva A.S., Kaliyeva Z.S., Dubyagina E.V.

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