Catacomb incense burners of kurgans 1 and 4 of Kounakovsky-2 (on the example of Andropovskiy District, Stavropol Region)

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The author considers the data of Suvorov catacomb culture burials with incense burners, found in kurgans Kounakovsky-2, explored by the expedition of the «Nasledie» in Stavropol Region in 2005. The artefacts from burials of two kurgans (1 and 4) illustrate the typological variety of the catacomb ritual bowls. In addition these kurgans demonstrate good stratigraphy of burials that allows seeing the incense burner’s evolution. Such evolution has been already created on data of Vostochnomanych catacomb culture, when early and late types were identified. Suvorov catacomb culture’s incense burners of type I, II, VI, X are found in kurgans Kounakovsky-2, one item belongs to the early catacomb period. Stratigraphic data of kurgan 1 indicates almost synchronic construction of the burials, as evidenced by the finds of typologically close incense burners. Kurgan 4 was built at least in four steps, which are illustrated by ritual bowls of early (I, II) and late (VI, X) stages. As a result the authors of the paper justify that Suvorov catacomb culture may be divided in two periods of development, marked by different types of incense burners.

About the authors

Nathalia Victorovna Panasyuk

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer of World History Department

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Plan of mound 1 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground (the numbers on the plan indicate the numbers of the burials)

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3. Figure 2 - The central edge of mound 1 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground

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4. Figure 3 - Plans for burials of mound 1 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - burial 4; 2 - burial 6; 3 - burial 7

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5. Figure 4 - Incense burners from mound 1 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - burial 4; 2 - burial 6 (find 1); 3 - burial 6 (find 2); 4 - burial 7; 1-4 - ceramics

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6. Figure 5 - Finds from burials of mound 1 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - burial 4 (a - pendants; b - beads); 2 - burial 6 (a - vessel; b - beads and beads (glass, bronze, bone); 3 - burial 7 (a - beads (bronze, carnelian, bone); beads; b - obsidian flake; c - metal wire; d - bronze pendant; e - bronze knife; f - carnelian beads, beads; g - bronze wire); 1, 2b, 3a, 3f - paste; 2a - ceramics; 2b, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g - bronze; 3a , 3b, 3f - stone

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7. Figure 6 - Plans for burials of mound 1 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - burial 8; 2 - burial 10

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8. Figure 7 - Finds from burials of mound 1 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - burial 8 (a - bead; b - anvil); 2 - censer from burial 8; 3 - censer from burial 10; 1а - bronze, 1b - stone, 2, 3 - ceramics

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9. Figure 8 - Plan of mound 4 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground (the numbers on the plan indicate the numbers of the burials)

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10. Figure 9 - Central edge of mound 4 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground

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11. Figure 10 - Plans for burials of mound 4 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - burial 3; 2 - burial 5; 3 - burial 4; 4 - burials 6 and 7

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12. Figure 11 - Finds from mound 4 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - censer from burial 3; 2–4 - burial 4 (2 - incense burner; 3 - vessel; 4 - beads); 5 - pendant and beads from burial 12; 1-3 - ceramics, 4, 5 - paste

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13. Figure 12 - Incense burners from mound 4 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - burial 5; 2 - burial 6; 3 - burial 7; 1-3 - ceramics

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14. Рисунок 13 – Находки из погребений кургана 4 могильника Кунаковский-2: 1–2 – погребение 6 (1 – бисер; 2 – сосуд); 3 – сосуд из погребения 7; 1 – паста, 2, 3 – керамика

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15. Figure 14 - Plans for burials of mound 4 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - burial 8; 2 - burial 11; 3 - burial 12

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16. Figure 15 - Incense burners from mound 4 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground: 1 - burial 8; 2 - burial 11; 3 - burial 12; 1-3 - ceramics

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17. Table 2 - Typology of incense burners of the Suvorov catacomb culture

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18. Figure 16 - Stratigraphic position of incense burners of mound 1 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground

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19. Figure 17 - Stratigraphic position of incense burners of mound 4 of the Kunakovsky-2 burial ground

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Copyright (c) 2018 Panasyuk N.V.

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