Archeological analysis of osteological material of Rakushechniy Yar settlement while studying the economy of the early Neolytic population

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The paper contains the study results of the settlement Rakushechny Yar fauna from the excavations of 2013–2017. It is a reference site for this region, because it has a unique stratigraphy. It was possible to determine 201 bones of mammals, birds and turtles at the early Neolithic layers of Rakushechny Yar. The fish remains at the settlement are numerous, but have not been investigated. The large ungulates were of the greatest importance here for the hunting. The largest number of the bones belongs to the red deer. Cutting the carcasses of this animal occurred at the settlement. It should be noted that the horse is represented by a wild form here. An important event was the appearance of domestic cows, sheep and pigs in this region. As a result of the analysis of the available osteological material we can confidently state that the process of domestication of these species passed long before the arrival of the settlers on the Don River. The Early Neolithic population in the Northern Black Sea Region, from our point of view, was heterogeneous in terms of material culture and, probably, the origins of the formation. It is possible that this is the reason for the difference in economic activity of people in that territory.

About the authors

Mikhail Valerievich Sablin

Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Theriology Laboratory

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Location of Rakushechny Yar

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3. Figure 2 - Faunal remains from the early Neolithic layers of the Rakushechny Yar settlement. 1 - two bones of a bird; 2 - the lower jaw of the fox; 3 - lower M3 and third phalanx of a wild horse; 4 - a fragment of the upper jaw of a wild boar; 5 - a fragment of the lower jaw with M3 and the first phalanx of a red deer; 6 - roe deer horn; 7 - talus, the first and second phalanges of the dog; 8 - incisor and fragment of the first phalanx of a domestic pig; 9 - lower M2 and a fragment of a sheep's radius; 10 - the first phalanx of a domestic cow, length 72 mm

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4. Figure 3 - Artifacts from the early Neolithic layers of the Rakushechny Yar settlement. 1 - roe deer horn with a hole; 2 - a processed horn and a pendant made of a red deer chisel; 3 - a pendant from a fox's canine; 4 - a fragment of the horse's metapodia with traces of constriction

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