Stone implement from the early Neolithic layers in Rakushechny Yar (on the example of the researches of 2016-2017)

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The article shows the analysis of the collection of the stone artifacts obtained as a result of excavations of the early Neolithic layers of the site Rakushechny Yar. The collection of the stone tools makes it possible to get an idea about the flaking technology, oriented to obtaining blades. However, the absence of the products of debitage on the site indicates that flaking and tool production were realized outside the site. For secondary modification inhabitants of the site used such techniques as retouching and polishing. The tools assemblage was represented mainly by points that were used as drills, end-scrapers and polished axes, which indicates the specific economic activities of the inhabitants of the site, associated with the woodworking. The stone implement of the site has analogies not only in the Neolithic sites of the region, but also in the Neolithic stone implements of the sites of the Lower Volga and Northern Caspian Regions. Taking into account that the investigated part of the site was a coastal zone at one time, as well as the presence of a large number of fish bones in the lower layers, it can be assumed that the use of the above categories of tools was somehow connected with fishing. This assumption can be confirmed by microwear analysis of the stone tools.

About the authors

Susanna Pavlovna Gorodetskaya

State Hermitage Museum

Author for correspondence.

specialist of Exhibition Activities Department

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Products from flint: 1–4, 6 - points, 5 - scraper, 8, 9 - chisel tools, 10 - bump stop, 11 - core, 12 - plate

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3. Figure 2 - Tools made of flint: 1 - trapezoid with a planed back; 2–4, 6, 11 - points; 5 - a fragment of a bifacial tool; 7 - truncated plate; 8, 9, 12-14 - scrapers; 10 - retouched flake

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4. Figure 3 - Polished hatchets

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