New investigations of early Neolithic layers (on the example of Rakushechny Yar)

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Rakushechny Yar has attracted interest for a long period of time. New questions arose around its materials and the site itself, which led to renewal of excavations and investigations of this site nowadays. New investigations of the place allowed the authors to distinguish early Neolithic layers, which were inaccessible before due to a high water level of the Don River. Particularities of Unio and Viviparus shells distribution show that these were different shell middens within several horizons. Also variety of spots full of bone debris and pits were uncovered here. New paleogeographical studies allowed reconstruction ancient landscape in the surroundings of this place. Shell tools, stone industry and ceramic assemblage, bone and antler tools are early Neolithic finds. The first time wooden artefacts and coprolites were found in a low watered layer. Finds of bones of domestic animals suggest even more complicated organization of this early Neolithic society.

About the authors

Andrey Vitalievich Tsybriy

Don Archaeological Society


candidate of historical sciences, head

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Dolbunova

State Hermitage Museum


candidate of historical sciences, junior researcher of Eastern Europe and Siberia Archaeology Department

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Andrey Nikolaevich Mazurkevich

State Hermitage Museum


senior researcher, general curator of Eastern Europe and Siberia Archaeology Department

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Tatiana Vladimirovna Tsybriy

Don Archaeological Society


candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Viktor Vitalievich Tsybriy

Don Archaeological Society


candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Jacek Szmańda

Pedagogical University of Krakow


doctor of history, professor, deputy director of Institute of Geography

Poland, Krakow

Piotr Kittel

University of Lodz

Author for correspondence.

doctor of history, professor of Geomorphology and Palaeogeography Department

Poland, Lodz


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Monument Rakushechny Yar. Location of excavations in the 1960s – 1970s, reconstructed from archival data, new excavations (see Fig. 5 for names a – f indicated on the plan) and a relief model

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3. Figure 2 - Location of the monument Rakushechny Yar with an indication of the scheme of the geomorphological structure of the territory

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4. Figure 3 - Lithological-facies profile of the delta-shaped branch deposits (Rakushechny Yar settlement) located upstream of the river. Don

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5. Figure 4 - Lithological-facies profile of the delta-shaped branch deposits (Rakushechny Yar settlement) located downstream of the river. Don

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6. Figure 5 - Stratigraphy of the D.Ya. Telegin (a) [according to 20]; stratigraphic cleanup 2008 (b) [as revised 3]; trenches 2013 (d); new excavations (e); Excavation No. I Etc. Belanovskaya 1966 (f) [1 rev., Layers 16–23 were added according to the description provided]

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7. Figure 6 - Stratigraphy of the village of Rakushechny Yar and 3d reconstruction of the location of finds

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8. Figure 7 - Pit No. 1

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9. Figure 8 - Accumulation of shells in layer 19

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10. Figure 9 - A spot filled with brown sand, bone decay, coals, with a piercing from the shell

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11. Figure 10 - Remains of a fish skeleton in situ

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12. Figure 11 - Fragments of early Neolithic vessels from new excavations in the village of Rakushechny Yar (1–9)

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13. Figure 12 - Flat-bottomed bowl, ornamented with triangular pricks

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14. Figure 13 - Artifacts made from shells: beads (1–4); shells with cuts along the edge (5–7, 9); a shell covered with ocher (8); shell tools with retouched edge (10-13)

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15. Figure 14 - Bone tools: a pendant from a boar's tooth (1); plate with a rounded edge (2); fragments of punctures (3, 6); needle tip (?) (4), piercing (5)

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16. Figure 15 - Layer 21. Fragments of a sharpened wooden stake (1) and a wooden gutter (2)

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17. Figure 16 - Coprolites found in the layer

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Copyright (c) 2018 Tsybriy A.V., Dolbunova E.V., Mazurkevich A.N., Tsybriy T.V., Tsybriy V.V., Szmańda J., Kittel P.

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