Resource-saving methods of cultivation of grain crops and biological activity of ordinary black soil

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The article analyzes the role of resource-saving technologies to grain crop cultivation. Although there is a growing interest to the problem there is still a lack of theoretically analysis. Thus, the authors show the importance of resource-saving technologies in different soil and climate conditions. The article analyzes the influence of technological methods of soil cultivation on general biological activity of the chernozem of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. The soil of the virgin variant is characterized by the greatest intensity of soil respiration and cellulolytic activity. Long-term processing of the chernozem of an ordinary experimental field led to a decrease of overall biological activity by an average of 30,5–33,5%. As a result, it has been established that methods of soil cultivation have a strong influence on biological activity and soil respiration during vegetation period. The greatest biological activity is observed at minimum soil cultivation. Hydrothermal conditions influence on the process of biological activity. High humidity caused a significant growth in cellulose-decomposing activity up to 27–38% and soil respiration by 17–24%. Humidity increasing caused the process of soil respiration. Cultivated crops didn’t influence on the process of biological activity. Zero cultivation caused the increasing spring wheat productivity on 0,93 c / ha and oat and barley productivity reducing. Minimum level of cultivation caused little barley and wheat productivity reducing on 0,25 c/ha. Reduced production costs and resource-saving technologies influence on both profit and the level of profitability increasing. Direct sowing to wheat (139,58%) and barley (142,24%) cultivation caused the highest level of profitability.

About the authors

Alexandra Vasilyevna Zaushintsena

Kemerovo State University


doctor of biological sciences, professor of Botany Department

Russian Federation, Kemerovo

Vasily Nikolaevich Romanov

Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture, Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS»


doctor of agricultural sciences, leading researcher of Agrotechnology Department

Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk

Nikolay Vladimirovich Kozhevnikov

Kemerovo State University

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Botany Department

Russian Federation, Kemerovo


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - View of filter paper before and after incubation (in the center is a variant of the experimental field, on the right - a virgin analogue)

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3. Figure 2 - Average dynamics of cellulolytic activity depending on the main tillage, 2015–2017.

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4. Figure 3 - Average dynamics of the intensity of soil respiration depending on the main tillage, 2015–2017.

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5. Figure 4 - Average dynamics of the total number of microorganisms, depending on the main tillage, 2015–2017.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Zaushintsena A.V., Romanov V.N., Kozhevnikov N.V.

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