Bioindication experience in forests in Tatarstan nowadays

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Anthropogenic impact led to the destruction of forests and the destruction of a significant part of them in different regions. The process of destruction over a large area causes the new natural conditions forming. Thus, it is important to find the new methods to assess forests and forest conditions. The use of data regarding dominant, edifying, differential plant species allows assessing forest growing conditions at certain stages of community development. The results of such studies can be used for the purposes of short-term forest planning. The new research materials on the life strategy of forest plants and forest communities in general are important to do a long-term forecast of the dynamics of forest-growing conditions. Complex characteristics of plant behavior or their life strategy reflects the process of adaptation of vegetation to the emerging forest-growing conditions. The authors analyze the possibility of determining the natural conditions by the features of the life strategy of individual forest-forming species (on the example of forests of the Republic of Tatarstan). The type of the vital strategy of tree species was revealed by the indicators of the course or energy of growth, as well as life expectancy. Critically important question concern researching the main forest forming breeds in Tatarstan, which adapt to the emerging conditions, and show signs of pioneering behavior or operational strategy.

About the authors

Sergei Gennadievich Glushko

Kazan State Agrarian University


candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of Forest Assessment and Forestry Economics Department

Russian Federation, Kazan

Nina Borisovna Prokhorenko

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Botany and Plant Physiology Department

Russian Federation, Kazan


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Copyright (c) 2018 Glushko S.G., Prokhorenko N.B.

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