Teaching prospective teachers of physics how to control the intellectual development of schoolchildren procedurally

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The article analyzes the different approaches to the control of the intellectual development of students in teaching physics in school, due on the one hand, to the diversity of psychological interpretations of intelligence and models of its formation and, on the other hand, used in the study, methodological orientations (classical, no classical, or postnonclassical). A description of the procedural model is proposed by the author, it shows how to control the intellectual development of students, which is built in accordance with the type of post-nonclassical rationality based on a holistic (holistic) understanding of the nature of intelligence, taking into account the value of the information society and the influence of the disciples of the collective on the effectiveness of individual educational activities for teaching physics. The proposed procedural model allows to develop recommendations for effective adaptive learning physics students, taking into account the laws of intellectual development and the specificity of operation holonic organizational systems. From a procedural point of view controlling the intellectual development of students is a regulation of consistent educational change states of inhomogeneous collective of students, which leads to the desired enrichment of the intellectual resources of each school-nick for Learning Physics. The approach of controlling the intellectual development of students, described by the author, is the subject of study by students – future teachers of physics – in the framework of forming pedagogical experiment in Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education.

About the authors

Evgeny Andreevich Samoylov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: evge-samojlov@yandex.ru

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of Physics, Mathematics and Teaching Methods Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Procedural model of UIRO

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3. Figure 2 - Controllable parameters of the feedback mechanism in the educational activities of cattle

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