The ideas of F. Bacon, R. Descartes, T. Hobbes about the morality and ethics relating to education

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The paper provides evidence of the importance and necessity to resort to the ideas of modern time philosophers about morality. Understanding their application to education makes it possible to identify conserved and preserved ideas of moral education of humans. The author shows that the moral wisdom include the experience of mankind that has started to realize the value of each person, the equality of all people regardless of ethnicity and race, to understand that living in harmony with their own kind means to contribute to the prosperity of mankind. The author proves that identification of the relation between morality and ethics is conditioned by the need to solve a practical problem – to identify the ideas of F. Bacon, R. Descartes, T. Hobbes about morality and ethics who consume these categories as synonyms relating to education. According to F. Bacon, morality comes to a person from outside and a leading way of moral decency acquisition is teaching, turning into manners. Morality, from R. Descartes’ point of view, guiding human life and customs, is given to man from outside; following the rules of human morality is a key way of building a proper and moral life. Morality, from R. Descartes and T. Hobbes’ point of view, determines man’s inner world.

About the authors

Anna Vladimirovn Guschina

Murmansk Arctic State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor,
vice rector for academic and educational work

Russian Federation, Murmansk


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