Mnemonics use when memorizing physical quantities and formulae

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This paper discusses the use of mnemonics-visualization when memorizing physical quantities and formulae by high school students. Visualization is represented in the form of a drawing of each physical quantity that is associated with a physical quantity concept. A letter denoting a physical size is accompanied by details that indicate the scope of the variable. The paper contains ways of application of a computer slide show animated presentation and a tabular method of modeling. The importance of this work is explained by the fact that its use for the study of physical quantities and formulae helps lagging students to remember values and formulas effectively. Studies of students mastering the material with the help of mnemonics show that the correlation coefficient of 2,9 is positive. This indicates a strong relationship between the indicators. Mnemonics use significantly increases the degree of memorization of physical quantities by students, hence increases the assimilation of the main sections of physics. This developed system for efficient memorization of physical quantities and formulae can be used in different types of schools.

About the authors

Rozaliya Petrovna Vinokourova

Sulgachinskaya school named after Konstantinov I.I. – Delegat Uibaan

Author for correspondence.

teacher of physics

Russian Federation, Sulgachy, Sulgachinsky nasleg, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - An example of an associative series for students to memorize physical quantities

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