Deployment of specialized hospitals for the Red Army wounded in the Southern Urals during 1941–1945

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This paper discusses specialized treatment of the wounded in the hospitals of the Southern Urals in the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945). It is proved that the specialized treatment of the wounded undergone significant changes during 1941–1945. The paper defines nature of injuries and damage, treatment time, forming, distribution of hospital beds and a contingent of the wounded and sick Red Army soldiers. The author states that throughout the war the surgical activity in the South Urals hospitals increased. The study deals with the problem of death in base hospitals. The number of Red Army soldiers’ deaths was undercounted. This study has shown that due to medical workers of the South Urals hospitals specialized treatment of the wounded made a qualitative leap in the development of the stage treatment. At the beginning of the war general surgery and general therapeutic hospitals were created. Then, in order to ensure the most qualified assistance to the wounded, specialized hospitals and offices were deployed. The authors estimated that the application of advanced methods of treatment in the evacuation hospitals of the South Urals helped to heal 72,3% wounded and 90, 6% patients and they returned to military service. These materials can serve as a basis for further research in the Southern Urals health history and, in general, the history of the South Ural Region, as well as the patriotic education of the youth.

About the authors

Natalia Alexandrovna Degtyareva

Orenburg State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of History Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg

Anna Gennadievna Alyatina

Orenburg State University


candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of History Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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Copyright (c) 2017 Degtyareva N.A., Alyatina A.G.

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