Round dwellings of the saka epoch

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Based on the excavation materials from the settlement Tuyetas studied by the author on the territory of Karaganda Region, the characteristics of such a type of Saka dwellings as round houses are considered. According to archaeological research, on the territory of Kazakhstan rounded frame dwellings, along with rectangular, were commonly widespread in the Bronze Age. The frame house with round plan is known from the materials of Saka time Zhetysu (settlement Butakty-1). On the settlement Tuyetas on the excavated area of 408 square meters the remains of foundations of round houses and two annexes were revealed. The author suggests that it was the house of the yurt-shaped form with a powerful stone base with a minimum width of 1 m and a wooden top. The construction with the overall diameter of about 13 m had several rooms, extensive grounds which were also made of stone. One round room with a diameter of about 3–3,5 m was in the centre. Wooden poles on the frame walls of the room at the same time supported the upper structure of the house. Houses of round plan were opened at the Saka settlement Sarybuyrat, located near the settlement of Tuyetas. This type of construction is recorded in a number of other not yet studied settlements in Central Kazakhstan. The study of Saka settlements in Central Kazakhstan is at the initial stage. The source base should be broadened for a comprehensive analysis of many aspects, including features and types of dwellings.

About the authors

Arman Ziyadenovich Beisenov

A.Кh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, head of Prehistoric Department

Russian Federation, Alma-Ata


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Map of the location of the settlement of Tuyetas

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3. Figure 2 - Dwelling of the Bronze Age. Reconstruction by A.Kh. Margulan. 1 - top view, 2 - section (according to [4])

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4. Figure 3 - Dwellings of the Bronze Age. 1 - a dwelling with a hipped roof, reconstruction by A.M. Orazbayev (according to [5]). 2 - hut, reconstruction by P.A. Dmitrieva (according to [7])

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5. Figure 4 - Schematic plan of a dwelling in the settlement of Tuyetas

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6. Figure 5 - Dwelling of the Tuietas settlement. Reconstruction A.Z. Beisenova

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Copyright (c) 2017 Beisenov A.Z.

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