Children burials of the Saka times in Central Kazakhstan

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The materials on the children burials belonging to Tasmola culture in Central Kazakhstan were studied by M.K. Kadyrbaev and A.Z. Beisenov. As the analysis of available data shows there are only nine studied children burials of Tasmola culture. It is possible that some of the children graves, represented by small mounds, do not contain accompanying subjects and in the early period of research they were not mentioned on the pages of scientific publications and reports. New research shows that, along with small mounds, there are significant ones distinguished by their parameters and structure. Two of the nine constructions have diameters higher than 20 m, one of them is 18 m and particularly notable is the kurgan 7 in the burial ground Akbeit studied in Karaganda Region. Its diameter is 21,5 m, height 2,5 m. A four or five year old child, probably a girl, was buried there. The child was buried in a rich dress, as evidenced by gold torque, worn around the neck, and two gold earrings, a bronze mirror, a bone case for cosmetics. Children burials of Tasmola culture as well as the adult burials indicate social strata of that society.

About the authors

Arman Ziyadenovich Beisenov

A.Кh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology


candidate of historical sciences, head of Prehistoric Department

Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata

Galiya Appazovna Bazarbaeva

A.Кh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher of Prehistoric Department

Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata

Daniyar Bolatbekovich Duisenbay

A.Кh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology


researcher of Prehistoric Department

Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Map of children's burials of the Tasmola culture

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3. Figure 2 - Distribution of children's burials by age

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4. Figure 3 - Distribution of data on the diameter of the mound with children's burials

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5. Figure 4 - Burial pit of mound 7 of the Akbeit burial ground. Plan, section. 1 - earrings; 2 - hryvnia; 3 - bottle; 4 - plaque; 5 - mirror

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6. Figure 5 - Items from the grave of mound 7 of the Akbeit burial ground. 1 - hryvnia; 2 - mirror; 3, 4 - earrings; 5 - plaque; 6 - bottle; 7 - grain grater. 1, 5 - gold; 3, 4 - gold, stone; 6 - bone; 7 - stone

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Copyright (c) 2017 Beisenov A.Z., Bazarbaeva G.A., Duisenbay D.B.

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