General strategy of leaf beetles reproductive behavior (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)

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Reproductive behavior of 25 background species leaf beetles was studied in the conditions of Samara Region during 1974–2014 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Strategy of adult’s reproductive behavior, which fundamentally different from individuals of the opposite sex is a complex includes more than 60 types of locomotion behavioral reactions and aimed to attracting the active partner, usually the male, search and preparation of the female for the mate as final stage of the reproductive process. Adult-female undergoes five stages of reproductive transformation accompanied by 18 types of behavioral reactions after emergence. There are food of ripening, involvement of species-specific male of attractant, mating, ovulation and egg laying. Adult-male overcomes five stages too, provided almost by 30 types of behavioral reactions in the course of life. There are preparation, mating, and food maturation, search for females training females to mating, mating, and post-nuptial final cleaning. Temporal and physical resource of female and male survival in different situations, as well as time budgets, of both sexes daily activity at different stages of its generation cycle estimated. Occurrence of non-standard reproductive situations or failures, which are explained by objective reasons, for example errors in chemonavigation of males, violation of a genetically programmed sequence of stages of behavior, inconsistency sexual cycles of the partners discusses.

About the authors

Sergey Ivanovich Pavlov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The strategy of reproductive behavior of a female leaf beetle. 1.1 - female Gastrophysa polygoni L. marking her track (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 1.2 - a burst of activity of a pair of copulating Gastrophysa polygoni (photo by SI Pavlov); 1.3 - a burst of activity of the male cassida rubiginosa Müll. (photo by S.I. Pavlov); 1.4 - a burst of activity of the female shitonoski-Cassida rubiginosa (photo by S.I.Pavlov); 1.5 - signal of "parting" of the female of the willow blue leaf beetle Plagiodera versicolora Laich. (photo by S.I. Pavlov); 1.6 - signal of the "parting" of the female and the departure of the male of Plagiodera versicolora (photo by SI Pavlov); 1.7 - pulling off the male (raised hind leg) - signal of “parting” of the female of Gastrophysa polygoni (photo by SI Pavlov); 1.8 - egg-laying (the moment the cap is molded) of the hidden head female (photo by V.N. Makarenkov)

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3. Figure 2 - The strategy of male reproductive behavior (big-jaw fights). 2.1 - the threat preceding the attack of a solitary male labidostomis (fig. SI Pavlov); 2.2 - attack of a male Labidostomis longimana L. on a more successful opponent (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 2.3 - tactics of attack ("driving a wedge") on beetles preparing for mating (fig. SI Pavlov); 2.4 - fight between 2 free males of Labidostomis pallidipennis Gebl. (photo by S.I. Pavlov); 2.5 - attack (bottom view) of the male from behind on the copulating pair of L. pallidipennis (photo by S.I.Pavlov); 2.6 - tactics of attack from behind on the copulating pair (fig. SI Pavlov); 2.7 - "space of capture" between the open jaws of the male labidostomis (fig. SI Pavlov); 2.8 - the moment of the capture of the opponent's limb by the jaws (Fig. S.I.Pavlov)

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4. Figure 3 - The strategy of reproductive behavior of the male leaf beetle. 3.1 - premarital search flights of male Cryptocephalus octocosmus Bedel. (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 3.2 - olfactory examination from a plant of airspace by a male Gastrophysa polygoni (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 3.3 - "reading" of scent information in the "air cylinder" around the wormwood bush by the male Chrysolinae graminis L. (Fig. SI Pavlov); 3.4 - contact ("step-by-step") search for a female on a fresh track by a male Plagiodera versicolora (photo by SI Pavlov); 3.5 - meeting point - aggregation of leaf beetles - Chrysomela populi L. (photo by O. Pavlova); 3.6 - the ritual of meeting (touching) sexually mature beetles Timarcha tenebricosa F. (photo by S.I. Pavlov); 3.7 - cage (in copuli state) of Agelastica alni L. beetles (photo by OV Pavlova); 3.8 - postbreeding cleaning of the legs and antennae of the male Gastrophysa polygoni (photo by S.I.Pavlov)

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