Water purification from organic contaminants by avalanche streamer discharge

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The paper deals with the influence of avalanche streamer discharges on aqueous solutions of organic substances such as phenols, methyl-orange and simulating amino acid and protein compounds. Studies have shown the possibility of universal water purification when using gas-discharge decontamination technologies. Complex impact of discharge phenomena, physical and chemical factors, radiation at different frequencies of avalanche streamer discharge lead to degradation of organic and inorganic substances in water impurities. The most frequently used discharges for water purification are electrolyte (discharge in liquid), glow, corona, microwave-frequency discharge excitation in several GHz, barrier discharge and avalanche streamer discharge. It is shown that application of avalanche streamer discharges allows to undertake the decomposition of organic matter in water with decomposition in carbon compounds, gaseous components and water more efficiently and with low cost energy. Applying of a discharge technology is a promising direction of water treatment and industrial wastewater disposal technology development. Energy electric shock changes chemical characteristics of the treated water, affects its Ionic composition, structure of dissolved organic matter, viability of the microorganisms in water without additional chemical reagents.

About the authors

Andrey Valentinovich Kuhno

National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»

Email: kuchnoav@mail.ru

postgraduate student of Engineering Ecology and Labor Safety Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Leonid Mikhailovich Makal'skij

National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»

Email: mak1306@mail.ru

candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher, associate professor of Engineering Ecology and Labor Safety Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Olga Mikhailovna Tsekhanovich

Gzhel State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: olgagzhel@mail.ru

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Socio-Cultural Activities and Tourism Department

Russian Federation, Electroizolyator, Ramensky District, Moscow Region


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Copyright (c) 2017 Kuhno A.V., Makal'skij L.M., Tsekhanovich O.M.

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