Bio-ecological features of some rare plants fruits in the Samara Region

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The paper presents some preliminary results of the monitoring of Fritillaria meleagroides Partin ex Schult. et Schult. fil. and Tulipa biebersteiniana Schult. et Schult. fil. plants (category of rare and endangered plant species). The results of the field study fulfilled in 2012–2016 in two population groups of quarter 80 and cenopopulation of quarter 69 in the Krasnosamarsky forestry (Samara Region) were used to determine morphometric parameters of plant species. The data also helped us to assess the variability level and to make a comparison with plant quantitative traits given in the literature. It has been found that the sample indicators fit into the range of values specified in literature sources, with a significant proportion of «large» fruit 2,0–3,0 cm in length. The dynamics of the fruit size of Fritillaria meleagroides Partin ex Schult. et Schult. fil. and Tulipa biebersteiniana Schult. et Schult. fil. plants in population groups of quarter 80, as a whole, has general patterns in the difference during some seasons of vegetation. Prevailing values of fruit length of plants in cenopopulations of quarter 69 changed slightly according to year of vegetation, these populations are more resistant and numerous comparing with the populations of quarter 80. As for variability of signs, the values of fruit length and width coefficients of variation does not exceed 25% for Fritillaria meleagroides Partin ex Schult. et Schult. fil. plants and 20% for Tulipa biebersteiniana Schult. et Schult. fil. plants which is optimal for this type of indicators and is consistent with the bioecological specificity of fruit plant. The conditions of ecosystems in 69 and 80 quarters of Krasnosamarsky forestry are favorable for the vegetation of two species plants, the successful preservation and restoration in natural communities can be in the absence of anthropogenic factors limits.

About the authors

Mariya Gennadevna Kotelnikova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Ecology, Botany and Nature Protection Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Distribution of the capsule length indicator in plants of hazel grouse

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3. Figure 2 - Distribution of the boll width index in plants of hazel grouse

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4. Figure 3 - Distribution of the boll length index in Bieberstein tulip plants

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5. Figure 4 - Distribution of the boll width index in Bieberstein tulip plants

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Copyright (c) 2017 Kotelnikova M.G.

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