Task approach to introducing values to prospective lawyers

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The paper is devoted to the problem of training a prospective lawyer who is able to build his professional activity on value grounds. The urgency of the problem of introducing values to prospective lawyers is argued from the position that the values of good, truth, justice, etc., becoming motives for the activities of a lawyer, ensure voluntary, free and informed fulfillment of moral requirements, which is an important condition for ensuring the security of individuals and the state. The content of the task approach to the introduction of values to prospective lawyers is revealed through the «task» concept content, and a problematic place occupies a special place. The «suprasituative level of problem detection» and the «situational level of problem detection» are considered in relation to the «task» concept. It is substantiated that the task approach orients the teacher to the introduction of values to prospective lawyers in the process of their involvement in solving problems of a supra-situational level in which they (prospective lawyers) find personal meaning. The author shows the effectiveness of personally-oriented tasks use for introducing values to prospective lawyers. It is shown that the penetration into the personal meaning of the task is possible both through its content and through the methods of its solution. An algorithm for solving a personally-oriented task is given: 1) an analysis of the situation of the lawyer professional activity; 2) formulation of the problem on the basis of the given situation; 3) analysis of the available means suitable for choosing ways of finding a solution to the problem; 4) action planning; 5) analysis of the results of their actions; 6) setting of new tasks. The author gives an example of how to use a personally-oriented task in the process of prospective lawyers’ training.

About the authors

Sergey Aleksandrovich Vdovin

Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: s.a.vdovin-sui@yandex.ru

candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy head

Russian Federation, Samara


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