«Democracy distribution» strategy as a mechanism for U.S. foreign policy goals achieving (late 1980s - first half of the 1990s)

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The paper deals with the US foreign policy during the presidency of George W. Bush and B. Clinton’s first presidential term. The author analyzes practical steps of the American administration related to the use of «democracy distribution» strategy as one of the main tools of the American foreign policy. The paper traces the use of «democracy distribution» strategy for the purpose of American global leadership achieving in the conditions of the unipolar world. The author also shows the influence on the US foreign policy precedent creation - lack of deterrent in the face of the USSR. Special attention is paid to the promotion of American-style democracy to the regions of the world where conflict situations arose. The paper also contains the facts that the American establishment justified the necessity of American leadership in international affairs as well as the assessments of the US foreign policy of power pressure under the slogan of «democracy distribution». The paper is based on the documentary materials of the US presidents G.W. Bush and B. Clinton, as well as documents of the U.S. Department of state and Congress. The views of prominent American political scientist Henry Kissinger, President of the American economic strategy Institute Clyde Prestowitz and Russian historian Vladimir Sogrin are used to assess the activities of the American administrations.

About the authors

Svetlana Nikolaevna Belevtseva

Kursk State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: snbelevtseva@yandex.ru

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of World History Department

Russian Federation, Kursk


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