Comparative ecological and morphological analysis of the Corvidae birds aircraft

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This paper provides a comparative ecological and morphological analysis of the aircraft of Corvidae birds: rook, daw, gray crow and magpie. These species of birds have a different character of flight and different flying activity - among them there are both resident and migratory species. Ecological and morphological characteristics of the rook, jackdaws, crows and magpies aircraft were studied in the Chuvash Republic in the autumn and spring during 2014-2018. The paper describes the field observations of the nature of the flight of the studied species and the results of morphometric measurements. The following morphological parameters of birds were used: body weight; body length; tail length; wing length; wingspan; wing width. To study the development of the avian musculature, the masses of the subclavian and pectoral muscles and the indices of the relationship of these parameters to body weight and among themselves were determined. These indicators were used to calculate a number of indices. Studies of the birds’ aircraft revealed interseasonal differences in some parameters related to body weight. In addition, the specific features of the Corvidae birds’ aircraft structure have been identified; they are associated with the nature and speed of flight as well as the duration of migration.

About the authors

Denis Vladimirovich Repin

I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Bioecology and Chemistry Department

Russian Federation, Cheboksary

Nadezhda Vasilyevna Repina

Cheboksary Cooperative Technical School of Chuvashpotrebsoyuz

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, lecturer

Russian Federation, Cheboksary


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