The final period of G.Kh. Chalkushyan’s public activity (1918–1930)

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The paper is devoted to the final period of charitable and social activities of the famous public figure of the Armenian city of Nakhichevan-on-Don Grigory Khristoforovich Chalkhushyan (1861–1939). Chalkhushyan’s activities were truly multifaceted. As a member of the city Duma, he actively participated in solving city affairs. His activities covered issues of charity, education of the younger generation. However, after the outbreak of the First World War and the genocide of the population of Western Armenia, they acquired other features. When the flows of refugees poured into the South of Russia, he had to deal with the settlement of refugees, which included their resettlement, provision of clothing, medicines, and even their employment. He repeatedly happened to travel to the Caucasus, and on the spot to solve urgent issues of saving refugees. From the pages of the periodical press, he appealed to the feelings of those in power, urging them to donate funds in the name of saving the destitute. With his active participation, Armenian refugees who ended up in the South of Russia returned to the liberated regions of Armenia. For a short period of time, he served as the Consul of the Armenian Republic in Nakhichevan-on-Don. He became an active member of the Red Cross Society, helping the Armenian refugees in Romania. In the last years of his life, he returned to his native Nakhichevan-on-Don, where he took up advocacy.

About the authors

Kristina Lernikovna Papazyan

Southern Federal University

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Domestic History of the Middle Ages and Modern Times Department

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don


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