Mycobiota of the rhizosphere of vegetable and flower-ornamental crops in the conditions of Surgut

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The paper presents the results of a study of the mycobiota of the control soil and the rhizosphere of 11 vegetable and 6 flower-ornamental plant species. Flower cultures are represented by Gauston ageratum, double-feathered cosmea, erect marigolds and thin-leaved marigolds, hybrid petunia and brilliant sage. Closed-ground vegetable crops are cucumber, tomato, hot pepper and Bulgarian pepper; open-ground vegetable crops are seed peas, radish, garlic, potatoes, sorrel, dill and curly parsley. During the year of the research, fertilizers were not introduced into the soil. Most vegetable crops were grown continuously for several years, flower crops – during the year. In the mycocoenoses of the rhizosphere of most vegetable crops, toxin-forming species of the genus Penicillium are abundant: P. citrinum, P. citreonigrum and P. polonicum. The toxin-forming agent P. citrinum was found in the mycobiota of the control soil and the rhizosphere of most vegetable and flower-ornamental crops. In the structure of the mycobiota of the control soil, mycocoenoses of the rhizosphere of some vegetable crops such as seed peas, curly parsley, Bulgarian pepper and in the mycobiota of the rhizosphere of flower-ornamental crops, saprotrophic micromycetes with a noticeable abundance of cosmopolite Aspergillus phoenicis (from the A. niger group) are abundant in mycocoenoses of the rhizosphere of the double-feathered cosmea, hybrid petunia, marigolds erect and Bulgarian pepper. According to the research results, it can be concluded that the formation of the species composition of the mycobiota of the rhizosphere of vegetable and flower-ornamental crops is influenced by the type of plant, conditions and duration of cultivation. In the future the author is going to study the species composition of the mycobiota of the rhizosphere depending on the duration of plant cultivation, the expansion of their assortment, as well as the effect of fertilizers on the species composition of the soil mycobiota.

About the authors

Maria Viktorovna Mantrova

Surgut State University

Author for correspondence.

junior researcher of Scientific and Educational Center of Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences

Russian Federation, Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra


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