Ecology and number dynamics of bezoar goats (Capra aegagrus Erxleben, 1777) in the Mrav Mountain range of Nagorno Karabakh Republic

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The mammal fauna of Nagorno Karabakh has 6 orders and 101 species. The three-dimensional location, geographical location and temperate climate characteristic of the mountainous country contributed to the formation of such diversity. For the first time this paper presents the distribution and dynamics of the number of bezoar goats (Capra aegagrus Erxleben, 1777), an ancient inhabitant of the northern, central and southern parts of Nagorno Karabakh, which is an important component of mountain ecosystems, in the Mrav mountain range. As a result of our long-term observations, we have found out the distribution areas of these animals in the Mrav mountain range, the reasons for their distribution in the mountains and their seasonality. We have found out that male and Bemale bezoar goats have their own preferences for slope curvatures, so females prefer to stay at 47° curvatures in winter, while males prefer to stay at 50–55° slopes. Meanwhile, the opposite phenomenon is recorded in summer. We have also studied the distribution of different sexes in the southern, eastern and northern slopes in winter and summer. We have registered the specifics of distribution above the sea level with vertical zoning. As a result of our observations, we have found out the changes and dynamics of the number of bezoar goats in the Mrav mountains, identified some reasons that negatively affect the growth and development of these animals.

About the authors

Vahram Torikovich Hayrapetyan

Artsakh Republic Nature Protection Committee

Author for correspondence.

doctor of biological sciences, deputy director


Hasmik Jhumshudovna Minasyan

Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Republic of Artsakh


candidate of biological sciences, deputy minister


Arman Artashesovich Avagyan

Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center


candidate of biological sciences, deputy director

Armenia, Yerevan

Astghik Samvelovich Ghazaryan

Yerevan State University


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Zoology Department

Armenia, Yerevan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Explored routes

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3. Figure 2 – The location of male and female individuals in the Mrav mountain range depending on the slope curvatures: A – winter (n = 290, 125♂; 165♀); B – summer (n = 389, 189♂; 200♀)

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4. Figure 3 – Altitude distribution of male and female bezoar goats in the Mrav mountain range in winter (A) and summer (B)

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Copyright (c) 2023 Hayrapetyan V.T., Minasyan H.J., Avagyan A.A., Ghazaryan A.S.

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