Features of the moral development of the personality of a teenager – a student of the cadet corps

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The paper raises a question of the moral development of the personality of cadet corps students. The specificity of the educational process in the cadet corps is indicated, which affects the development of cadets’ personality in general and their moral development in particular. The age limits of adolescence are presented and its main features are revealed: the desire for adulthood, puberty, communication with peers as a leading activity, inconsistency of behavior. The analysis of the features of the moral development of the personality of cadet corps students is based on the provisions of developmental psychology, which determine the specifics of adolescence as a stage in the development of the personality, on the provisions of pedagogy, which interpret moral education as a process of assimilation of moral values. The personality traits inherent in adolescents are analyzed in the context of the educational space of the cadet corps. It is substantiated that the moral development of adolescent cadets is carried out in the conditions of determining professional preferences by cadets through the assimilation of the moral foundations of the profession (military, employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – depending on the departmental affiliation of the cadet corps); gender homogeneity of the composition of students; development of the cadet fraternity, leading to the establishment of strong and long-term friendly relations; enrichment of the value sphere of consciousness of adolescents at the expense of moral and professional values.

About the authors

Ivan Aleksandrovich Larin

Samara Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: larin_ivan1980@mail.ru

head of Rear Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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