Developing the motivation to enrich active vocabulary in the process of teaching English to students majoring in Economics

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This paper deals with teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP), focused on the professional training of prospective economists of various fields of activity: managers, accountants, sociologists, specialists in the sphere of economic security. The authors indicate that the most difficult aspect of foreign language for students is the lexical aspect, the problem of enriching the active vocabulary precisely, since being under permanent growing flow of information; the students who already possess basic knowledge are not always motivated to memorize and actively use new lexical units. They prefer using the constructions, words, concepts and terms which they have learned before. It concerns mostly idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs, which differ in specific semantic characteristics and structure, as well as the complexity of their practical application. However, the use of such structures in speech ensures a successful improvement of a foreign language communicative competence and an integrative approach is proposed for the development and strengthening of motivation in the preparation of methodological textbooks and tasks. It is underlined that when preparing individual stages of the educational course, orientation to the professional use of a foreign language should be taken into account with the analysis of target situations and subsequent consideration of the compliance of tasks and applied forms of work with the needs of prospective economists in specific situations of their professional activities.

About the authors

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kazakova

Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy


candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of Economics, Management and Humanities Department

Russian Federation, Kursk

Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Nikitina

Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Economics, Management and Humanities Department

Russian Federation, Kursk


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