Fungi of the Russulaceae family in the conditions of natural monuments of the Penza region and the influence of environmental factors on their distribution

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The relevance of the study of fungi of the Russulaceae family is determined by the fact that they play an important role in the life of temperate forest ecosystems as mycorrhizal symbionts of the main forest-forming tree species. In addition, this group of fungi is of great practical importance, as they are edible fungi. Despite this, they are one of the little studied groups of Agaricomycetes. The information about the fungi of the studied family in the conditions of the Russian Federation is limited, and therefore the data on their ecology are contained mainly in foreign literature. The purpose of this work is to study the species composition of fungi of the Russulaceae family and to establish the influence of the main environmental factors on the distribution of this group of fungi on the territory of some forest natural monuments of regional significance («Burchikhinsky slopes», «Zasursky blueberry forest», «Kichkleysky pine forest with oak», «Nikonovsky forest» and «Floodplain oak forest») in the conditions of the Penza region. The studies were carried out in 2016–2022 by methods of route and stationary studies. When determining fungi, the method of light microscopy was used. As a result, the species composition of fungi of the Russulaceae family of the studied natural monuments located in the Penza region was studied. Within the studied protected areas, 78 species of fungi of the Russulaceae family were identified. As a result of the taxonomic analysis of mycobiota, it was found that it included 24 species from the genus Lactarius, 3 from the genus Lactifluus, and 51 from the genus Russula. All of them belong to the ecological-trophic group of symbiotrophs. 19 species form mycorrhiza with various tree species, and 59 species have a narrow specialization in relation to partners in symbiosis (29 species are associated with Quercus robur, 15 with Betula pendula, 10 with Pinus sylvestris, 2 with Populus tremula, 1 with Tilia cordata, 1 with Alnus glutinosa and 1 with Corylus avellana). It has been established that the leading factors determining spatial distribution and productivity of fruiting bodies of fungi of the studied family are soil fertility and moisture. In megatrophic habitat conditions, acidity also has a significant effect on the distribution of fungi of the family under consideration. The species composition of fungi of the Russulaceae family for habitat types was determined in accordance with the edaphic grid. For different ecotopes, the composition of indicator species was revealed. An estimate of the yield of fruiting bodies of fungi of the Russulaceae family in various types of forests, depending on fertility and soil moisture, is given.

About the authors

Alexander Ivanovich Ivanov

Penza State Agrarian University


doctor of biological sciences, professor of Breeding, Seed Production and Biology of Plants Department

Russian Federation, Penza

Anna Andreevna Mironova

Penza State University


head of I.I. Sprygin Herbarium

Russian Federation, Penza

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Novikova

Penza State University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of biological sciences, professor of General Biology and Biochemistry Department

Russian Federation, Penza

Anastasia Aleksandrovna Ermolaeva

Penza State Agrarian University


lecturer of secondary vocational education of Physical Education Department

Russian Federation, Penza


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1

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3. Fig. 2

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Copyright (c) 2022 Ivanov A.I., Mironova A.A., Novikova L.A., Ermolaeva A.A.

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