The problem of readiness for self-education among cadets of the departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

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The paper is devoted to theoretical aspects of the problem of readiness for self-education development among cadets of the departmental higher education institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The role of the concepts of «readiness» and «self-education» in determining the readiness of cadets for self-education is substantiated. A scientific idea is revealed about the readiness of a person for activity in the context of psychological and pedagogical knowledge as the possibility of an effective performance by a person of a certain activity, for which he must have adequate characteristics for it. An analysis of the works devoted to the types of readiness of cadets studying at universities of various law enforcement agencies is presented. Peculiarities of cadets’ readiness for professional activities, for professional communication, for self-education, for independent work, for professional and moral self-realization, for humanistic interaction with a person, for the implementation of professional moral standards are revealed. It is substantiated that the readiness of cadets of departmental universities for various types of activities, considered as a personal education, as a personality-activity neoformation, as a state of personality, has a structure. Components are given that correspond to the content of various types of readiness of cadets of departmental universities. Interpretations of self-education are analyzed in relation to cadets of various departmental universities (military, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia). The necessity of considering self-education of a cadet of a departmental higher education institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is substantiated not only as self-education of a representative of a particular profession, but also as a person in the broadest sense. An interpretation of the readiness for self-education among cadets of a departmental higher education institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is proposed as a personal education, characterized by purposeful, conscious, systematic and painstaking work of a cadet on himself, on improving himself as a person and professional, and developed by cognitive, motivational, axiological, emotional, practical and reflective components.

The paper is devoted to theoretical aspects of the problem of readiness for self-education development among cadets of the departmental higher education institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The role of the concepts of «readiness» and «self-education» in determining the readiness of cadets for self-education is substantiated. A scientific idea is revealed about the readiness of a person for activity in the context of psychological and pedagogical knowledge as the possibility of an effective performance by a person of a certain activity, for which he must have adequate characteristics for it. An analysis of the works devoted to the types of readiness of cadets studying at universities of various law enforcement agencies is presented. Peculiarities of cadets’ readiness for professional activities, for professional communication, for self-education, for independent work, for professional and moral self-realization, for humanistic interaction with a person, for the implementation of professional moral standards are revealed. It is substantiated that the readiness of cadets of departmental universities for various types of activities, considered as a personal education, as a personality-activity neoformation, as a state of personality, has a structure. Components are given that correspond to the content of various types of readiness of cadets of departmental universities. Interpretations of self-education are analyzed in relation to cadets of various departmental universities (military, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia). The necessity of considering self-education of a cadet of a departmental higher education institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is substantiated not only as self-education of a representative of a particular profession, but also as a person in the broadest sense. An interpretation of the readiness for self-education among cadets of a departmental higher education institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is proposed as a personal education, characterized by purposeful, conscious, systematic and painstaking work of a cadet on himself, on improving himself as a person and professional, and developed by cognitive, motivational, axiological, emotional, practical and reflective components.

About the authors

Andrey Olegovich Mitrofanov

Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.

head of Course of Training Unit

Russian Federation, Samara


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