The use of modern educational technologies in the process of a teacher of foreign languages practical training

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The paper is devoted to the study of issues related to the teachers of foreign languages practical training for their future professional activities in the conditions of education transformation. The idea that modern society needs a specialist, who is rapidly responding to the challenges of the time, capable of self-development and self-organization, is observed in the paper. The research objectives are to determine didactic possibilities of interactive techniques in the process of teachers of foreign language training, to identify a potential of online courses for creating educational materials, to analyze the most effective digital tools as a means of developing foreign language communication skills of a prospective teacher as a competent specialist. As a result of theoretical study of the problem and analysis of domestic and foreign scientists’ experience, the advantages of interactive techniques in the course of foreign languages teaching have been found. The paper observes the advantages of the described work organization using the «Jigsaw» interactive techniques. The examples of tasks for communication-oriented reading and students’ lexical and grammatical skills development are presented in the research. Special attention is paid to the practical use of digital techniques based on the designers Questionstar, Myquiz, Padlet, Wordwall, LearningApps,,, Edvibe etc. for professional experience gaining in the educational activities design and implementation. The functionality of these digital tools provides students’ critical thinking development, learning motivation management, readiness to master the capabilities of various services and platforms. The conducted research allows us to conclude that the active use of modern educational techniques and digital services in the practical training of prospective teachers of a foreign language creates new opportunities for solving various problems, serves as an effective tool for making the students ready for professional activities.

About the authors

Lyudmila Andreevna Lazutova

Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M.E. Evseviev


candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, head of Foreign Languages and Teaching Methods Department

Russian Federation, Saransk

Svetlana Ivanovna Piskunova

Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M.E. Evseviev


doctor of philosophical sciences, professor of Law and Philosophy Department, dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages

Russian Federation, Saransk

Oksana Evgenyevna Yankina

Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M.E. Evseviev

Author for correspondence.

senior lecturer of Foreign Languages and Teaching Methods Department

Russian Federation, Saransk


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Copyright (c) 2022 Lazutova L.A., Piskunova S.I., Yankina O.E.

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