Dynamics of success: the development of the Tatar ASSR industry in the middle of the 1960s-1970s

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The collapse of the Soviet Union, the destruction of intra- and intersectoral ties between the former Soviet republics, and the unsuccessful market transformations that followed, supplemented by political and social problems, could not produce an explosive positive effect on the development of the new statehood. Crises became an integral part of the economy of the Russian Federation, which did not take long to affect the social sphere of society. It was necessary to search for mechanisms capable of changing the situation and accelerating economic processes. Relying only on the experience of leading foreign states, as practice showed, did not always lead to a positive result. The reasons for this lie in the combination of political, economic, cultural characteristics of countries that are not like Russia. Undoubtedly, it is worth trying to use this experience, but at the same time applying the achievements of domestic theory and management practice. In this regard, in the presented study, on the example of a separate republic, an analysis of the development of the Soviet economy in the middle of the 1960s–1970s is carried out, the features of the success and at the same time the crisis of the Soviet industry are shown. Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the period under review was able to achieve a powerful upswing in industry. Success was built primarily on the oil and petrochemical industries, which was explained by the demand for the products of these industries in the domestic and foreign markets. However, only the focus on data, traditional industries, in the conditions of late industrialism, became the anchor of further development. Central and local leadership failed to capture these trends.

About the authors

Almaz Rafisovich Gapsalamov

Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Email: gapsalamov@yandex.ru

candidate of economical sciences, associate professor of Economics and Management Department

Russian Federation, Elabuga, Republic of Tatarstan

Vladimir Lvovich Vasilev

Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Email: vasvladlev@mail.ru

candidate of economical sciences, associate professor of Economics and Management Department

Russian Federation, Elabuga, Republic of Tatarstan

Tatyana Nikolaevna Bochkareva

Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Email: tatyana-n-boch@mail.ru

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Pedagogics Department

Russian Federation, Elabuga, Republic of Tatarstan

Elvir Munirovich Akhmetshin

Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Email: elvir@mail.ru

candidate of economical sciences, senior lecturer of Economics and Management Department

Russian Federation, Elabuga, Republic of Tatarstan


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Copyright (c) 2022 Gapsalamov A.R., Vasilev V.L., Bochkareva T.N., Akhmetshin E.M.

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