Digital reform of higher education: implementation experience

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The study examines the existing experience in implementing digital reform in higher educational system, and outlines the prospects for its further development. The philosophical and pedagogical issues of different approaches to implementing educational trajectories and customized lifelong educational routes are tackled and substantiated. The main aim of underpinning the existing steps of implementing the reform is proved to be the advancement of student self-development. The practical significance of the research lies in the attempts of designing a matrix of competencies underpinning the possibility of building up individual educational routes. The main results comprise the introduction of 16 main industries of higher education for the future. Further development of this topic is seen in the study of the interdisciplinary and cultural aspects of interaction in the educational process, implemented in digital management of the stated industries, such as Industry of Cognition, Industry of Thinking and Design, Industry of Health Preservation, Industry of Knowledge, Neuro Industry, Industry of Management, Industry of Law, Industry of Culture, Industry of Hospitality, Industry of Territories, Industry of High Technologies, Industry of Logistics, Industry of Production Systems, Industry of Resource Conservation and Efficiency, Industry of Research, Industry of Transfer, Industry of Social Initiatives.

About the authors

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Fedorov

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


doctor of philosophical sciences, professor, rector

Russian Federation, Kaliningrad

Anna Olegovna Budarina

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, director of Institute of Education, professor of Institute of Education

Russian Federation, Kaliningrad

Ksenia Leonidovna Polupan

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, deputy director of Project Office

Russian Federation, Kaliningrad

Dmitriy Gennadievich Zhitinevich

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, director of Project Office

Russian Federation, Kaliningrad


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – The synergetic essence of the process of choice

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Copyright (c) 2022 Fedorov A.A., Budarina A.O., Polupan K.L., Zhitinevich D.G.

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