A model of environmental consciousness development among university students in the framework of extracurricular activities: structure, features of implementation in the pedagogical process

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The paper contains results of the development and implementation of a pedagogical model for the environmental consciousness development among students in the framework of extracurricular activities on the example of organization and functioning of the Ecoclub in Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. Within the framework of solving the set tasks and during a comprehensive analysis of psychological, pedagogical, sociological literature, the ecological consciousness of students is considered to be a system of interaction of figurative-sign concepts, ideas, views and judgments of an individual, undergoing comprehension in the course of mental processes that find their expression through its interaction with the environment habitations regulated by means of cognitive functions and emotional-personal attitudes. The structural components of ecological consciousness are: 1) a conceptual and sign component – contains concepts and ideas of the individual about the habitat and the patterns that make up its main features; 2) an emotional-personal component – contains individual characteristics and the emotional component of the relationship to the natural environment, compliance with certain norms of human relations with nature; 3) a cognitive-activity component – contains meaningful representations of the individual aimed at observing environmental standards in the course of the implementation of personal attitudes; 4) a coordinating-behavioral component – determines the behavior corresponding to the scientific picture of the world and decision-making aimed at minimizing environmental harm, based on the knowledge and ideas received.

About the authors

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nikitin

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: nikitin@sgspu.ru

researcher of Research Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – The structure of the pedagogical model of the formation of ecological consciousness of students in the framework of extracurricular activities

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