The methodology of practical botany classes in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

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The forced emergency widespread transition to distance learning during the COVID 19 pandemic period required the urgent development of new tools for working in the digital environment, adaptation to new methods of communication in the system teacher – student. The use of digital tools and technologies in the implementation of bachelor’s studies in the context of the digitalization of higher education and the introduction of online education complicated the teacher’s activity in designing the learning process. There was a lack of research devoted to the study and description of teaching Biology practice (including Botany) in the online format, there were no teaching materials for organizing practical work with students. In connection with the situation, it was necessary to search for new ways to implement various types of activities in the distance format, search for new ways of communication in the system teacher – student, and test modern pedagogical technologies. Since the autumn of 2020, many universities, including P.P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (Branch) of Tyumen State University, have been successfully using the Microsoft Teams platform. The following methods were used during the study: theoretical and comparative analysis of literature, systematization and synthesis, collection and evaluation of the results of the completed tasks (reports on working with cases, test results and questionnaires). The results of the individual task – a report on working with case illustrations showed that 47% of students were rated «satisfactory» and 53% of students – «good». The qualitative progression, according to the test results, was 53%. The results of the survey «Reflexive Screen» made it possible to identify the positive effect, obtained from the lesson held in the online format (100% of students were interested in the lesson). The paper describes in detail the methods for online teaching Botany at the lesson, conducted in the winter of 2021, and analyzes it.

About the authors

Olga Egorovna Tokar

Tyumen State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology, Geography and Teaching Methods Department

Russian Federation, Tyumen


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Supplementary files

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2. Fig. 1.

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