Cybersocialization as a factor of university students’ adaptation to distance learning conditions

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This paper examines the problem of cyberspace, which is becoming a field for discussion of both political, economic, social problems and issues related to personal life, learning and development processes. The process of spontaneous socialization, where the agents have traditionally been the institutions of family and education, is complicated by modern global information computer technology, which has naturally led to cyberevolution. The necessity of entering cyberspace in the sphere of education is considered. The authors describe the need to include the student community in the learning process through online technologies using modern learning platforms (Moodle, Microsoft Teams, etc.). The paper considers cybersocialization phenomenon as the main factor of socio-pedagogical adaptation of students with the need to exit to a positive cybersocialization. Particular emphasis is placed on the positive aspects of cybersocialization of students, and the problems of students’ adaptation to distance learning conditions are studied. The paper presents the results of the development and implementation of socio-pedagogical program of students’ adaptation to distance learning conditions. The conducted research showed the orientation of students to distance learning format, where a certain role is given to curators of study groups and teachers in solving the problems of students’ cybersocialization. At the same time, the independence and motivation of students in solving this problem is important. The obtained materials can serve as a basis for understanding the process of socialization of modern students to the conditions of distance education.

About the authors

Svetlana Yuryevna Burenina

Pskov State University


candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Secondary General Education and Social Design Department

Russian Federation, Pskov

Svetlana Borisovna Kalinina

Pskov State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of General Secondary Education and Social Design Department

Russian Federation, Pskov


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Control evaluation of distance learning by students (A – before the program; B – after the program)

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3. Figure 2 – Distribution of answers to the question "Do you have any problems in connection with the transition to a distance learning format?" (A – before the program; B – after the program)

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4. Figure 3 – Distribution of answers to the question "Who helps you solve problems with distance learning more?" (A – before the program; B – after the program)

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5. Figure 4 – Distribution of answers to the question "Which form of education, in your opinion, is the most convenient and effective in terms of obtaining knowledge?" (A – before the program; B – after the program)

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6. Figure 5 – Distribution of answers to the question "Indicate your psycho-emotional state in online learning mode" (A – before the program; B – after the program)

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7. Figure 6 – Distribution of answers to the question "Choose what fears you face during distance learning" (A – before the program; B – after the program)

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Copyright (c) 2022 Burenina S.Y., Kalinina S.B.

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