The analysis of the biochemical diversity of the English oak vegetative sphere in the forest-steppe zone

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The paper studies the biochemical diversity of the English oak trees growing in the protective forest strips of the forest-steppe zone in the Central Chernozem region. The features of accumulation of various groups of substances of secondary metabolism of phenolic nature in the leaves of model oak trees in seasonal dynamics are described. The role of secondary metabolites in the formation of adaptive mechanisms of resistance of individuals to adverse environmental factors is considered. It is proved that the content of substances of secondary metabolism of phenolic nature and their combination can serve as a criterion for the potential biochemical stability of trees when growing in unfavorable environmental conditions. The content of secondary metabolism substances was determined on oak leaf samples in early June and August. It was revealed that the quantitatively leading group of substances of secondary metabolism are flavonols. It was found that at the beginning of the growing season, the most significant fluctuations in the levels of accumulation of secondary metabolism substances occur in young oak leaf blades, and by the end of the growing season their content stabilizes. High rates of variation coefficients have been identified, which make it possible to ensure biochemical diversity in the population and a sufficient range of adaptability of traits. It is shown that the samples of control and experimental trees for flavonols are the most homogeneous.

About the authors

Marina Yurievna Sautkina

All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology

Author for correspondence.

candidate of agricultural sciences, researcher of Ecological Genetics Laboratory

Russian Federation, Voronezh


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