Methodology for isolation study as a factor of the evolutionary process for the university course «Theory of Evolution»

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The development of the synthetic theory of evolution, which arose on the basis of the synthesis of Darwinism, genetics and ecology, was accompanied by the discovery of evolutionary factors that were unknown in the 19th century. The discovery of isolation made it possible to describe the mechanism of conservation of populations, species, as well as the process of speciation. The educational literature on the theory of evolution provides definitions of isolation, a classification of isolation forms, and the role of isolation in the evolutionary process. The study of isolation as a factor in evolution requires a development of a methodology for isolating mechanisms study. The achievement of this goal is associated with the choice of a variant of isolation definition as a factor of evolution. Methodologically successful is the definition of isolation, which describes the role of this factor at the initial stages of microevolution and leads to the emergence of new species and the preservation of their isolation. When formulating the definition of isolation, it is advisable to use terms such as population, species, gene flow and divergence. The isolating mechanisms are manifested in several forms, which necessitate their classification. The classification of E. Mayr (1974) makes it possible to describe the sequence, relationship and role in the evolution of the main forms of isolation when conducting classes. From the point of view of teaching methods, laboratory work is recommended when considering such forms of isolation as seasonal, biotopic and ethological forms. The implementation of the proposed methodology for isolation study as a factor in the evolutionary process while doing the university course «Theory of Evolution» makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the assimilation of educational material by students.

About the authors

Elena Anatolyevna Lamekhova

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of General Biology and Physiology Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The main events in the life of a multispecies bird colony on the example of the reproduction of black-headed gull and black-necked grebe (Lake Kurlady, 1988–2007)

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