Pedagogical conditions for civil identity formation

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Features of civil identity formation in the educational process depend on the pedagogical conditions. Scientific interest in defining the specifics of approaches and methods can be traced both at the school level and at the secondary special and university level. The researchers paid special attention to such subjects as history and social studies. At the present stage of the development of pedagogy and teaching methods of the designated subjects, the formulation of new research problems will help to highlight in more detail the meaning and role of existing approaches to civil identity formation and substantiate new approaches that correspond to modern state and pedagogical tasks. The posing of new topics and questions within the framework of this vast topic will help to approach the process of civil identity formation more substantively and purposefully for both students and teachers at the level of general secondary education and at the level of higher and further education. The trends and patterns discovered in the course of the study will help to create both a new model and a new concept of Russian civil identity formation in the educational process. In addition, the analysis of approaches and models to civil identity formation will help to determine the relationship of scientific developments with the practice of manipulating history, historical memory, images of the past. An integrated approach to the study of the pedagogical conditions for civil identity formation will help to create new concepts and approaches to teaching history.

About the authors

Sergey Olegovich Buranok

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, professor of World History, Law and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Yaroslav Aleksandrovich Levin

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher of Research Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2021 Buranok S.O., Levin Y.A.

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