Cultural and chronological features of the Novo-Ufimskii burial ground according to the data of natural science analyses

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The Novo-Ufimskii burial ground is one of the largest sites of the Southern Urals, located in the southern part of Ufa, in territorial terms, correlated with the Kara-Abyz culture of the Early Iron Age. Located in the historical part of the city of Ufa, the Novo-Ufimskii burial ground was allocated by R.B. Akhmerov on the territory of the construction of Bashkir State University buildings in 1952-1956. The site of the Novo-Ufimskii burial ground has repeatedly been subjected to destructive anthropogenic impacts since the second half of the 19th century, from the period of active development in the southern part of Ufa. However, a systematic investigation of the territory of the site with the involvement of a wide range of natural science methods has not been carried out. Earlier archaeological studies of the Novo-Ufa burial ground were most often associated with the part of the monument destroyed by construction. Some of the burials discovered during the reconstruction of the «Dynamo» stadium were investigated. The archaeological research carried out in 2018 set the task of widespread use of interdisciplinary, natural-scientific methods on the materials of 22 burials of the Novo-Ufimskii burial ground. During archaeological work in 2018, a feature was recorded in the burial tradition of the population who left the burial ground. Two-tiered burials were identified. The main focus of the study was bronze and paleosoil items from the Novo-Ufimskii burial ground.

About the authors

Nikolai Borisovich Shcherbakov

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla


candidate of historical sciences, researcher of Methodology and Methods of Humanities Studies Laboratory

Russian Federation, Ufa

Iia Aleksandrovna Shuteleva

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla


candidate of historical sciences, researcher of Methodology and Methods of Humanities Studies Laboratory

Russian Federation, Ufa

Ilaria Calgaro

University College London


PhD student of Institute of Archaeology

United Kingdom, London

Ruslan Rimovich Suleimanov

Ufa Institute of Biology of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences


doctor of biological sciences, chief researcher of Soil Science Laboratory

Russian Federation, Ufa

Aleksandra Amurievna Golyeva

Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

doctor of geographical sciences, chief researcher of Geography and Evolution of Soils Department

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Place of taking soil samples

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3. Figure 2 - Burial No. 4

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4. Picture 3 - Copper buckle. Burial No. 4

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Copyright (c) 2021 Shcherbakov N.B., Shuteleva I.A., Calgaro I., Suleimanov R.R., Golyeva A.A.

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