The assessment of environmental parameters of roadside territories on the example of the Orenburg Region cities

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Environmental management and planning of the urban environment, the inclusion of natural landscapes in it is becoming increasingly important today. The paper discusses the latest researches in printed Russian and foreign publications that study the impact of roads and roadside landscaping on the quality of the urban environment and the life of citizens. The dependence of the influence of urban greening on temperature, runoff, heat flows, carbon dioxide, the content of solid particles and gas pollution is shown. The analysis of studies in which environmental recommendations are given to reduce these impacts is carried out. Roads as a dangerous object of urbanized environment should be surrounded by a buffer green zone. The importance of studying the location of the main streets and identifying landscaping around them in urban centers is indicated. The paper contains an assessment of the environmental parameters of roadside zones, depending on the level of their landscaping and the remoteness of residential development from the roadway, in large cities of the Orenburg Region. General and specific recommendations on environmental optimization of spaces have been compiled, allowing to reduce the environmental burden on the roadside environment through effective planning of green infrastructure, which will provide a basis for improving the health of the population and their quality of life.

About the authors

Irina Andreevna Stepanova

Orenburg State University


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Ecology and Nature Management Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg

Marina Yuryevna Garitskaya

Orenburg State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Ecology and Nature Management Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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