Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

Polymer Science, Series B is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes experimental and theoretical articles and reviews dealing with the synthesis, kinetics, catalysis, and chemical transformations of macromolecules, supramolecular structures, and polymer matrix-based composites. The journal encompasses all fundamental aspects of macromolecular science. Contributions should be of marked novelty and interest for a broad readership. Previously focused on translation, the journal now has the aim to become an international publication and accepts manuscripts originally submitted in English from all countries, along with translated works.


Peer Review Process

Approximately 20% of the manuscripts are rejected without review based on formal criteria as they do not comply with the submission guidelines. Each manuscript is assigned to two peer reviewers. The journal follows a single-blind reviewing procedure. The period from submission to the first decision is up to 18 days. The approximate rejection rate is 19%. The final decision on the acceptance of a manuscript for publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, or responsible editor.

If Editors, including the Editor-in-Chief, publish in the journal, they do not participate in the decision-making process for manuscripts where they are listed as co-authors.



  • RSCI
  • РИНЦ
  • Ядро РИНЦ
  • Web of Science
  • Scopus

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