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The article presents the results of chemical content study of two species from Echinops L. genus which grow in Kazakhstan. Quinolinic alcloids echinopsine, echinopsidin and 4-quinolon, lupenon triterpenoid were identified in examined plants.

About the authors

G. T Zharylgasina

”Fitohimiya” International scientific and manufacturing holding, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

E. E Shults

Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry of SB RAS, Novosibirsk

A. Zh Turmukhambetov

”Fitohimiya” International scientific and manufacturing holding, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

S. M Adekenov

”Fitohimiya” International scientific and manufacturing holding, Karaganda, Kazakhstan


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Copyright (c) 2014 Zharylgasina G.T., Shults E.E., Turmukhambetov A.Z., Adekenov S.M.

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