


The article presents the results of chemical content study of two species from Echinops L. genus which grow in Kazakhstan. Quinolinic alcloids echinopsine, echinopsidin and 4-quinolon, lupenon triterpenoid were identified in examined plants.


G. Zharylgasina

”Fitohimiya” International scientific and manufacturing holding, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

E. Shults

Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry of SB RAS, Novosibirsk

A. Turmukhambetov

”Fitohimiya” International scientific and manufacturing holding, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

S. Adekenov

”Fitohimiya” International scientific and manufacturing holding, Karaganda, Kazakhstan


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版权所有 © Zharylgasina G.T., Shults E.E., Turmukhambetov A.Z., Adekenov S.M., 2014

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