Influence of transport infrastructure on the regional socio-economic development: practical significance and scientific controversy



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One of the factors of sustainable socio-economic development in the region is the transport infrastructure, which contributes to the effective use of the region's potential and ensures the necessary functioning of all economic sectors.The importance of transport infrastructure in the regional economy development is the reason for the need for scientific research that determines the goals, objectives and its role in the economy of a particular region. To test the hypothesis of the degree of influence of transport infrastructure on the socio-economic development of countries and individual regions, various approaches of Russian and foreign researchers are considered. Consideration of scientific approaches is necessary for choosing the direction of transport infrastructure development and making effective management decisions. Transport is the basis of society's vital activity, economic, social, political and inter-country interaction. This, in turn, is the basis for the government's special attention to the transport infrastructure.

Sobre autores

Kseniya Mitryukova

St Petersburg State University

Аспирант кафедры Мировой экономики


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