Digital transformation: possibilities of applying end-to-end technologies in digital engineering projects




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The progressive, dynamic development of the economy and digital transformation are inextricably linked with new end-to-end digital technologies, such as machine algorithms of artificial intelligence, Big Data, as well as the implementation of digital engineering capabilities. In this regard, the research related to modelling the specifics of digital transformation in Russia, the decision-making process using the capabilities of artificial intelligence and other end-to-end technologies in digital engineering implementation programs can be recognized as relevant.The scientific novelty consists in the development of the theoretical foundations of the digital economy, in particular, in clarifying the conceptual and categorical apparatus, modelling the digital transformation of an organization, the process of making IIoT decisions by Russian companies and the IIoT maturity of decisions made, as well as in identifying the specifics of end-to-end technologies in digital engineering.The introduction of end-to-end technologies, including artificial intelligence systems and neural networks as part of the implementation of digital engineering projects, is one of the most relevant and promising areas within the framework of digital transformation and the development of digitalization of the Russian economy.The research results can be useful for specialists and experts in the IT and business spheres, scientists engaged in the study of socio-economic aspects and specifics of artificial intelligence algorithms, managers of digital engineering projects, as well as representatives of state authorities engaged in the digital transformation of regions.


Natalya Gorodnova

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin

доктор экономических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры правового регулирования экономической деятельности


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