Organization of specialized medical care for patients with chronic heart failure




Relevance. Data from epidemiological studies indicate an increase in the number of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) in the Russian Federation over the past 18 years. The worsening of the prognosis in patients with CHF after the episode of acute heart failure decompensation (AHFD) requires changes in the tactics of treatment and rehabilitation of patients on an outpatient basis. The goal is to identify the differences in the two strategies for monitoring patients with CHF after AHFD and determine the effectiveness of treatment, rehabilitation and life expectancy, depending on the observation of a specialized urban center for the treatment of CHF (CCHF) and real outpatient practice in the system. Materials and methods. The study included 648 patients with CHF of any etiology older than 18 years. The first group consisted of 412 patients with CHF who were observed for AHFD in the stationary department of the CCHF and, after discharge, continued rehabilitation in the outpatient department of the CCHF; the 2 nd - 236 patients with CHF who, after discharge for AHFD from the department of the CCHF, preferred observation in outpatient clinics in Nizhny Novgorod. Results. After one year of follow-up, the overall mortality rate in the 1st group was 4.13%, and in the second group it was 14.83% (odds ratio 4.0, 95% confidence interval 2.2-7.4, p<0.001 ). Physical activity and rehabilitation potential among patients who were observed in the department of urban CCHD was significantly higher than among patients who were treated in outpatient clinics. The conclusion. Changing the organization of medical care for patients with CHF, especially high grades after AHFD, not only leads to an improvement in the life expectancy and significantly increases the rehabilitation potential during the year of observation in the city's CCHF, which is economically advantageous due to a reduction in the number of hospitalizations for repeated CHF decompensations.


I. Fomin

Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. внутренних болезней 603005, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, pl. Minina i Pozharskogo, d. 10/1

N. Vinogradova

Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, ассистент каф. внутренних болезней 603005, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, pl. Minina i Pozharskogo, d. 10/1


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